”Hannah Svensson´s vocal and timing is evident from the first to the last time.”
Orkesterjournalen, 2018
”Svensson has long impressed me, both live and on record.” Michael Tucker, Jazz Journal 2019
”Hannah phrases with involving intimacy and tempered exuberance in a programme which includes a wealth of freshly cast classics as well as further characterful Svensson/Castle original: She has good enuncuation and swing, scats judiciously and generally complements the intelligently apportioned wealth of her fathers consistently engaging figures to lovley, space-sensitive effect.”
Jazz Journal 2015
Svensson has developed a magnetic stage presence”
Jazz Journal 2018
”She is a jazz singer in the very highest Swedish division.”
”She turns from a jazz singer to a singer/songwriter who can measure up with the best Swedish singing poets.” Ystad Allehanda/LIRA 2016
“Hannah Svensson has established herself among the handful of singers who are the absolute top in Swedish jazz music.”
Blekinge läns tidning 2020
”Hannah Svensson has developed into a first class ”voice musician” and is also a warm and embracing stage personality.” Orkesterjournalen, 2019
“In a relatively short time, Hannah Svensson has sung in the Swedish elite among jazz singers.”
Blekinge läns tidning, 2016
”Her singing in Michel Legrand’s ”What you are doing the rest of your life” is purely heartbreaking beautiful ”
Hela helsingland, 2015